Nestle Fitness
Brand: Nestlé
Product: Nestlé Fitness
Client: Société pour l'Exportation des Produits Nestlé
Our relationship with Nestlé remained so close and strong over the years that we handled several of the Swiss brand’s activations.
For the Nestlé Fitness Zip Up campaign and the Nestlé Fitness Chocolate launch campaign, we produced small, easy-to-mount stands and special cups to sample the cereals. We targeted offices, universities, health clubs, beauty shops and hair studios. In selected locations, we printed instant photos of people trying the cereals in a unique Fitness Photo Frame, which got participants very excited.
Each activity generated consumer trial, encouraged conversations around the products and created brand awareness, much to Nestlé’s delight.
For the Nestlé Fitness Zip Up campaign and the Nestlé Fitness Chocolate launch campaign, we produced small, easy-to-mount stands and special cups to sample the cereals. We targeted offices, universities, health clubs, beauty shops and hair studios. In selected locations, we printed instant photos of people trying the cereals in a unique Fitness Photo Frame, which got participants very excited.
Each activity generated consumer trial, encouraged conversations around the products and created brand awareness, much to Nestlé’s delight.